It’s no secret that the environments that we choose to spend our time in have a direct impact on our happiness, moods and wellbeing. And as a result, your perception of your environment can affect how you think and feel. That’s why people feel happier and more at peace in beautiful environments like art galleries, museums, churches, or even out in nature.

If you’ve ever noticed this phenomenon and wondered what mysterious force is at work, it’s the traditional Chinese practice of feng shui. Almost everyone is familiar with the famous yin-yang symbol, but not very many are well versed in the practice behind it. So here at Taskers of Accrington, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to not only explain the concept, but put together a guide so you can use feng shui principles and techniques to bring peace and tranquillity into your home.

What is feng shui

Feng shui is “a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy, and whose favourable and unfavourable effects are taken into account when designing buildings.” It’s known to be associated with luck, health and prosperity. That’s why you constantly hear phrases like ‘tidy home, tidy mind’.

Feng shui’s meaning can be better understood by looking deeper the Chinese words “feng”, which means wind, and “shui” which means water. The wind carries the chi, or the energy of life that is said to be all around us, and it gathers near water. Technically speaking, it also makes up around 60% of the human body - see the connection? Feng shui is all about balancing your home and attracting positive energy to create a comfortable and happy space for yourself and your family.

Tips for a feng shui home

First thing first when it comes to applying feng shui to your home is to understand the concept of yin and yang. According to the philosophy of feng shui, the universe consists of two opposite forces, yin and yang. When they are out of balance, so is the energy, but when they work together they create a sense of harmony. So for harmony in the home, apply these tips:

  • House entryway: Keep the doorway free of clutter. Clutter creates stagnation and blocks good chi/energy from entering your home.
    Living room: For a feng shui living room, keep sofas facing each other with no backs to the entrance of the room. Having your back to the room’s entrance will make it harder to relax because of the vulnerable element of not knowing what’s happening behind you.
  • Kitchen: Keep kitchen clean to promote good health and remove any broken or chipped items to prevent bad luck.
  • Bathrooms: Keep the toilet seat down and the door closed, as open toilet lids are believed to give good energy the chance to escape from the home.
  • Bedroom: For a feng shui bedroom, avoid storing items under your bed as this is thought to block the movement of energy.

Furniture for a feng shui home


Feng shui utilises the five elements of fire, water, earth, wind and metal, and works to arrange them together in a way that promotes balance and harmony. Each element represents different properties, as well as colours and shapes, which you can learn all about in this guide. To keep things on the topic of furniture for this piece though, here’s a quick an easy breakdown to what we’d recommend for some good home energy:

Living room: Opt for a sofa with rounded edges or soft furnishings like our Alexander & James Abraham Junior Large Fabric Sofa or our G Plan Jackson 3 Corner 1. It’s the belief in feng shui that sharp edges and corners serve to promote negative energy (that and it hurts when you accidentally catch your side on them!)

Dining room: When choosing a dining table, like the sofa, opt for smooth round edges. Oval dining tables like our Makassar 220cm Oval Dining Table or our Calligaris Jungle Oval Dining Table work best as they allow for the gentle curving of chi. Also, there should always be an equal amount of chairs at the table to promote balance. If you have a downstairs bathroom, place your dining table as far away from it as possible to promote good health.

Bedroom: In feng shui, the best location for your bed is a commanding position. This means when you’re in bed you’re facing the door while not being directly in line with it - so diagonally positioned. The bed is always placed facing south, as it’s said to help promote good sleep and alleviate sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Bathroom: When decorating your bathroom opt for accessories and furniture that has round, circular or smooth edges, like a round mirror for example. Our Antique Gold Metal Bamboo Mirror Round or our Cattelan Italia Egypt Round Mirror are perfect examples of combining the practices of feng shui with stylishness.

Houseplants are also excellent for feng shui, as long as they’re thriving. Plants encourage positive energy and some even purify the air - which is great for your mood! Foliage with luscious green leaves are the traditional choice, but any happy house plant will do the trick.

Ultimately, your space should be a reflection of your style and what makes you comfortable and at peace. Feng shui is one of the ways you can achieve harmony in the home, but it’s by no means the only way. If you find you can’t accomplish some of these tasks due to space issues, then that’s totally fine! Just focus on making your space the best it can be for you and your family to enjoy.

And if you need any help with your feng shui furnishings, that’s where we come in here at Taskers of Accrington. We offer the most exciting showroom experience in the North West stocking some of the most highly sought after brands in the world like Cattelan Italia and Calligaris furniture. Get in touch today by calling us on 01254236262 and a member of our friendly team will be able to provide you with any information you require!